Paddock Lake Sanitary District
Water, Sewer and Refuse bills are mailed out quarterly in January, April, July and October of each year.
Rates per quarter:
Water (per thousand gallons) $ 10.60
Water Base $ 45.00
Water Base 1" $72.00
*Sewer $210.42
Refuse $61.29
*Homes in the Whitetail Ridge Subdivision are on Salem Lakes Sewer and the cost for 2025 is $182.00/quarter. There will be a $6.00/quarter increase every year.
Letter to residents about rate increase: VILLAGE OF PADDOCK LAKE WATER UTILITY DISTRICT FAQ
The following bill payment options are available:
- Pay in person at the Village Hall located at 6969 236th Ave.
- Place your payment in the secure drop-box located on the front of the building
- By US Mail (include a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like a receipt mailed to you)
- Pay by phone by calling GovPayNet at 1-888-604-7888
- Online at
Municipal Water
Recently in the news we have heard and read of contaminated drinking water. The Village Board and Staff want our residents to be aware of our continued efforts to provide safe drinking water to our customers.
The Paddock Lake Water Utility District Commissioners, Village Board of Trustees and Village Staff has in the past and continues to be vigilant with regard to providing safe water to all of its 289 water system customers. The Village in cooperation with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Recourses and the Environmental Protection Agency regularly tests the ground water wells and various residences for contaminants, heavy metals and bacteria.
The results of these tests repeatedly reveal a safe water supply and distribution system.
The WDNR and EPA have set 15 parts per billion for lead as a threshold requiring action and health professionals have determined that a reading greater than 5 parts per billion is a cause for concern.
US EPA threshold limit of lead | 15 ppb |
Health Professionals | 5 ppb |
Village Utility District Water | 2.2 ppb |
Flint Michigan Reported Lead Levels | 27 to 158 ppb |
The village operates a municipal water system for the east side of the village. The rest of the village is served by private wells for drinking water. A municipal water system is planned for the west side of the village, but construction has not started yet. It will serve commercial properties and new development.
The village operates its own waste water treatment plant. The plant processes waste discharge from homes and business throughout the village.
PaddockLake_WPDES PERMIT 2025-2030
2023 Consumer Confidence Report Data
2019 Capacity Management Operation and Maintenance
Click here to read about Sewer problems…you do not want to have