Many of us hate to think about winter weather but inevitably it will be here soon enough.
Here are some important village regulations to keep in mind regarding the timely removal of ice and snow:
As per Ordinance 6.09. (a) Commercial The owner, occupant or person in charge of a building or structure or unoccupied lot in the B-1, B-2, I-1, M-2, P, RM-1,RD-1 zoning districts, abutting State Highway 83 or State Highway 75 or 236th Ave, shall clean the pedestrian sidewalk, curb ramps and handicapped accessible curb ramps in front of or adjoining each building or unoccupied lot of any and all snow and ice which has fallen or accumulated upon the sidewalk or curb ramps in front of or adjacent to the premises owned or occupied or cared for no later than 12:00 noon of each day and shall cause the same to be kept clear from ice and snow. When the ice has formed on any sidewalk or curb ramp so that it can not be immediately removed, such person shall keep the same treated with deicing material (salt) or sand.
(b) Residential. The owner, occupant or person in charge of a building or structure or occupied lot in the R-1, R-2 or R-3 residential zoning districts shall clean the pedestrian sidewalk, curb ramps and handicap accessible curb ramps in front of or adjoining each building or unoccpied lot of and and all snow and ice which has fallen or accumulated upon the sidewalk or curb ramps in front of or adjacent to the premises owned or occupied or cared for no later than 12:00 midnight of the day following each snow event and shall cause the same to be kept clear from ice and snow. When the ice has formed on any sidewalk or curb ramp so that it cannot be immediately removed, such person shall keep the same treated with deicing material (salt) or sand.
(c) PENALTY. Any owner, occupant or person in charge of a building or structure or unoccupied lot in the Village fronting or abutting any street who fails to remove snow and/or ice as required by subsection (a), above, shall be liable to the Village for the cost of removal of the same, which costs shall be at the rate of One Hundred Fifty ($150.00) Dollars for the first hour or any fraction thereof, and One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars per hour thereafter. Such costs shall be payable within ten (10) days of billing and may be imposed as a lien against the real property as a special assessment until paid.
As a courtesy to the water meter reader please clear away the snow from your gas meter so the water meter can be read.