How can I pay my bill after business hours? You can place your payment in the secure drop-box located on the front of the Village Hall. You can also pay your utility bill online by clicking on the following link: https://govpaynow.com/gps/user/plc/a001pv
Where do I vote? All Paddock Lake residents vote at the Village Hall located at 6969 236th Ave, Paddock Lake.
How do I register to vote? Voter registration is available during regular business hours at the Village offices and at the polls on Election Day. If you chose to register to vote by mail, you will need to complete the Voter Registration Application that can be found on the My Vote WI website (www.myvote.wi.gov)
What do I need to submit for Proof of Residence? Most commonly, your driver’s license. Other accepted items include a current utility bill, bank statement or pay stub.
Do I have to license my dog/cat? Dogs must be licensed annually by January 31st. Proof of current rabies vaccination is required. Cat licenses are not required, but all cats must be vaccinated for rabies.
Who do I call if there is a loose dog in my neighborhood? Call the Kenosha County Sheriff's Office Non-Emergency number at (262)843-2371.
Where can I get a pass for the dog park? Dog park passes are available for purchase at the Village Hall Monday-Friday from 8am-4:30pm. Proof of rabies vaccination is required.
When will I get my tax bill? Tax bills are mailed directly to the property owner around the second week of December. You can also view/print your property tax bill from the Kenosha County website.
Where do I pay the second installment of my taxes? Second installments are paid to the Kenosha County Treasurer at the Kenosha County Center located on the corner of Hwy 45 & Hwy 50.
How do I get a receipt showing my taxes were paid? You can include a self addressed, stamped envelope if paying by mail. You can also come into the Village Hall to request a receipt in person.
How do I contact the Building Inspector? The Building Inspector, Tim Popanda is available at 262-843-3671 or by email at tpopanda@paddocklake.net
When is the Building Inspector available? The Building Inspector is available Monday through Friday from 1:00pm to 2:30pm.
Do I need a building permit to re-roof my house? Yes. Permit applications are available under the Forms and Permits link.
How do I rent the pavilion at Old Settlers Park? The park and beach are owned and maintained by Kenosha County. Reservations may be made online at parks.kenoshacounty.org
Do I have to pay to launch a boat on Paddock Lake or Hooker Lake? You can buy a daily launch pass on site at either lake for $9/day (cash only) or you can buy an annual pass at the Village Hall for $45 for one lake or $60 for both lakes. There is no fee for boats without a motor (kayaks, paddle boards, canoes).
There’s no parking at the Paddock Lake boat launch, where should I put my vehicle? Vehicles and trailers can be parked at the north end of the Village Hall lot located at 6969 236th Ave. You must display proof of purchase of a launch pass in the vehicle.
Where can I take my yard waste? The village has three locations for residents to drop off yard waste:
1 )East 62nd Street by the Sewer Plant
2) The corner of 250th and 67th Street
3) The corner of 78th and 244th Street (Hooker Lake)
Can I burn yard waste and leaves? The village prohibits burning of any wood or yard waste as a means of disposal. Recreational fires are allowed provided that they comply with all regulations of ordinance 25.09 and WI.ADM Codes.
Can I place large items out for garbage pick-up? Beginning January 1st 2019, all large bulk items for disposal will require for residents to call John Disposal at 1-888-473-4701 to schedule a pick up. There is no additional charge for this service. Large items that can be picked up is furniture, carpeting, large metal, large cardboard boxes (emptied and flattened) and appliances. Place items 6 ft. away from, not in front of or next to carts. Yardwaste, construction material or hazardous material are not included.
Will garbage pick-up be delayed because of the holiday? Johns Disposal observes the following holidays: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Holiday collections may be at an earlier time than normal. Please be sure to put your refuse and recycling out the night before your scheduled collection day.
What can I do with old TV’s and electronics? The village holds two E-Collection events every year. Watch the website and newsletter for dates and times.