Contact: Tim Popanda, Village Administrator 262-843-3617
Gary Meyers, WWTP Operator 262-206-9146
The Village of Paddock Lake Sanitary Sewer Utilities District experienced a Sanitary Sewer Overflow on March 24, 2025, at about 6:00 am Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department reported seeing a sanitary sewer water overflowing out of a manhole into the storm sewer system. Village Staff responded to the reported site of the overflow and determined that the overflow occurred because of plugged sewer main. Pat’s Sanitary was called in to pump the manhole and jet the sewer main. The clog was cleaned and normal operation resumed.
Because of the location and elevation of the lift station and collection system manhole NO sewer water backed up into residential basements.
The overflow discharged to the storm sewer settling basin. The rapid response of Village Staff helped ensure there was no basement backups and the impact on the environment was minimized to the extent possible.
Long-term plans to prevent the recurrence include Regular cleaning and televising of the sewer mains and working with local users and businesses to keep fats, oil and grease out of the sewer system. The Village of Paddock Lake takes the safety of its residents, protection of their property and stewardship to the environment very seriously. We appreciate the assistance and cooperation of the WDNR, Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department, in working with us to report, correct and safeguard the public during this overflow event.